Clinical Supervision
$250 / hr
How We Support You
Individual/Couple/Family Counselling
NDIS Access, Advocacy, Therapeutic Supports
Parent Support Groups and Training Programs
Clinical Supervision
Please Note: we're a private fee clinic and can't offer bulk billing (free services) to clients. Even if you have a referral from a doctor or other health professional, this doesn't change. If you have a Mental Health Care Plan, you'll need to pay the full fee upfront. After that, we'll submit your claim to Medicare for a rebate. Medicare referrals and plans don't mean you get free services automatically.

Please Note: we're a private fee clinic, so we can see people who are self-managed or plan-managed. Sadly, we can't work with those who are agency-managed. If you're not sure how your plan is managed, take a look at your NDIS Plan or ask your Local Area Coordinator (LAC). You’re responsible for the appointments you book. If your NDIS plan runs out of money or if the NDIS or your plan manager won't cover the bill, you'll need to pay the fee yourself. Having an NDIS plan doesn't mean you automatically get free services.

We don't charge cancellation fees because we thought it would be a fun thing to do, we charge cancellation fees because they are important.
1. Cancellation fees mean we can stay in business.
Like all businesses, we have costs to cover that do not disappear because someone has not attended an appointment. As a health practice, our biggest expense is wages - paying our clinical and admin teams for their time, and labour (as well as their superannuation, annual leave, sick leave, etc). Our team members enjoy being able to pay their rent, mortgage, bills, groceries, and other life expenses just as much as everyone else - they still need to get paid, even if no one shows up. How do we pay our clinical and admin teams? Through appointment fees! We're a small business - we don't receive any government funding; we only survive if we can pay our wages and other business expenses. The reality is that we need to bring in appointment fees, or cancellation fees, to stay in business.
2. Cancellation fees mean more appointments attended.
Enforcing our cancellation policy means that clients are more likely to attend their appointments, and appointments are less likely to go to waste. A late cancellation affects three people - your clinician who has spent time preparing for your session, other clients on the wait list who are in need of an appointment, as well as you from missing out on the chance to connect with your clinician. Appointments​ cancelled at late notice mean it is harder for our admin team to fill those appointments - that our equally-deserving clients on the waitlist else could have booked if there had been more notice.
3. A no-exceptions cancellation fee policy makes it fair for all our clients.
By charging cancellation fees for all late-cancelled or no-show appointments, our admin team are not put in the position of judging who has more valid or less valid reasons for not attending their appointment. Charging cancellation fees to all clients regardless of the reason means that it is fair for all clients, especially for our clients who are less able to argue their way out of paying cancellation fees, whether by disability, literacy, education, or just through being decent people.
4. Clients are well-informed and consent to paying a cancellation fee
when they use our services.
Our cancellation fees are not a secret, hidden charge - we are very upfront about them. We give our clients multiple methods to cancel appointments without incurring a cancellation fee - you can cancel via email, SMS, or via a phone call. We remind all our clients of our cancellation policy when appointments are booked and changed and then send additional reminders before the appointment. Our services are voluntary, and people only attend our appointments if they consent to our business terms and conditions. However, you don't need to consent to our business terms and conditions if you don't wish to do so; you are welcome to choose a business whose terms and conditions align with your own values.
Contact Info
(02) 6189 8079
(02) 9072 2683
1/1141 Botany Road
Mascot, NSW 2020